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2021年09月30日 ディボーション


詩篇第一巻 29篇

The Voice of Yahweh



 1) すべての水の上にあり、2) 力強く、3) 威厳に満ちており、4) レバノン杉を打ち砕き、5) 火の炎を放ち、6) カデシュの荒野を揺り動かし、7) 鹿に産ませ、8) 大森林を裸にする。  










In Jesus Name we pray, Amen.

The Voice of Yahweh


Psalm 29, another Psalm of David, begins by calling all heavenly beings to give (attribute) all glory and strength to His holy name, Yahweh, as we worship Him. David then boldly declares that the voice of Yahweh: 1) is over all the waters, 2) is powerful, 3) is full of majesty, 4) breaks the cedars of Lebanon, 5) flashes forth flames of fire, 6) shakes the wilderness of Kadesh, 7) makes the deer give birth, and 8) strips the forests bare. Next, similar to the beginning of the Psalm, everyone in God’s temple declares “glory” to Yahweh, the King that over the flood that rules forever. This psalm ends by asking Yahweh to give His people strength and bless His people with Shalom.


What makes this Psalm so extraordinary is that it mentions the divine name “Yahweh” 18 times. Although many Jewish people today avoid the use of the divine name, replacing it with terms such as Adonai and Hashem, King David did not hold back. David boldly declared the Name of God 18 times. In addition, David described the omniscient, all powerful, majestic, and also life-creating voice of Yahweh 7 times. We are reminded that indeed, it was through God’s Word that the universe was created (Genesis 1:1-31). The Gospel of John further declares: “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was in the beginning with God. All things were made through Him, and without Him was not any thing made that was made” (John 1:1-3). As the body of Christ, we all have a personal relationship with this Word; the Word through whom the universe was created, and His name is Jesus Christ. 


As we go through the daily routines of our lives, we must make time stop, look around us, and notice that everything we see, hear, feel, and breathe was created through God’s spoken word. We owe our very existence to God as we too were lovingly created by Him. We need to let these truths sink in. We need to meditate on these absolute, never-changing, biblical truths. When we truly realize how great God is and how we owe everything to Him, we cannot help by declare His glory, fall down on our faces, and worship Him. This was David’s heart when he wrote Psalm 29.


Thank you Father for this wonderful reminder of who You are. Thank you Father for creating an earth that is perfect for us. Thank you Father for creating all of earth’s people in Your image. Thank you Father for this wonderful life. You are the God who creating everything. All glory belongs to You, and only You, God! We praise Your great and holy Name! Please continue to keep us humble and let us never forget, always remembering, all that You have done, and continue to do for us. Thank you Father. We love you! In Jesus Name we pray, Amen. 




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