Father, Please Keep Our Hearts Humble
私たちがプライドや私たちの持つ正しさにつまずいたときには、聖霊を送って私たちの心を謙虚に変えてくださるようお願いします。父よ、あなたの意志を私たちの意志としてください。父よ、あなたを愛しています。In Jesus Name I pray, Amen!
Father, Please Keep Our Hearts Humble
Psalm 36, another Psalm of David, speaks about the contrast between the transgressions of wicked people as opposed to God’s amazing attributes which are His 1) Steadfast love, 2) Faithfulness, 3) Righteousness, and 4) Judgments (vv. 5-6). Sin digs deep into a wicked person and fills him up with a godless pride of his own self-righteousness. The result is that this person shuts out God in this process. If we read this verse too lightly, It would be easy to pass this off to the “bad” people that we know in our lives. Meditating on this Psalm will reveal that it speaks to each and every one of us. When we rely on our own fallen instincts, best intentions, and self-righteousness instead of God’s Word, we will cease to act wisely and do good. The words that come out of our mouths will bring trouble and deceit (vv. 3). Although we may not realize it, we will plot trouble as we lay down in our beds and ponder things at night before we go to sleep (vv. 4).
As Paul later reveals, we have “. . . all sinned and fall short of the glory of God” (Rom. 3:23). When we were saved and adopted into the body of Christ, a lot us have the wrong idea of how we become righteous. The more many of us read the Bible, the more knowledge about God we gain. But biblical knowledge is not meant for only the head. We must make it part of us by allowing this head-knowledge to transform our hearts. Keeping God’s word only in our heads will makes us proud, arrogant, and give us a feeling that we know something that other Christians do not know. Surrendering this biblical knowledge to the Holy Spirit, however, will transform our hearts. When the Holy Spirit makes us aware of our 1) sinful nature that deserves death, 2) God’s amazing love, 3) , righteousness, and 4) judgements, we cannot help but feel how unworthy we are. The only outcome of true biblical knowledge that transforms our hearts make us humble. We love because God first loved us (1 John 4:19). Although we are often unfaithful, God is always faithful (2 Timothy 2:13). We stand righteous before God because we believe that is Jesus’ death on the cross that covers our sins (John 3:16; Romans 3:22; 2 Corinthians 5:21). Finally, we all know that because of our sin, we deserve the judgment of death. However, God became man to take our sentence of death for us (Romans 6:23). It is not our bankrupt self-righteousness that makes us righteous but only Christ’s righteousness, paid by His blood, that restores our broken relationship with our Father.
As we humble ourselves, David reminds us of God’s steadfast love three times! God’s saving steadfast love, faithfulness, righteousness, and judgements extend over all His creation (vv. 5-6). God’s steadfast love is 1) a refuge under His wings, 2) feast of abundance in His house, 3) drink from His river of delights, 4) fountain of life, and 5) our light which is His light (vv. 7-9). The final verses pleads to God to continue His steadfast love to those that know Him. David asks for “. . . righteousness to the upright of heart.” He pleads to God “Let not the foot of arrogance come upon me” (vv. 11). David is pleading to God to keep him humble. David is begging to God to keep his heart humble! David is begging God to keep him humble and not let him fall to the ways of the wicked. Arrogance and pride will make us fall, unable to rise. Let us strive to be humble as one body, loving one another, brothers and sisters.
Thank you father once again for your Word. As we read Your word, please let Your Word transform our hearts and make us humble. No matter how much we study about You Lord, let us never forget that we only know what You chose to reveal to us. Thank you for Your steadfast love, faithfulness, righteousness, and judgements Father. Although we all deserve death, thank you father for sending your Son Jesus Christ, who stood in our place to pay our penalty of our sins through His death, so we can be reconciled with You. Again, like David once prayed to you, we also beg You, by Your grace, to please keep our hearts humble. When we do stumble on our pride and self-righteousness, we ask that you send our Holy Spirit to change our hearts to become humble. Let Your will be our will Father. I love You Father. In Jesus Name I pray, Amen.