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2022年10月13日 ディボーション



“We are Christ’s Body”


 使徒の働き22章では、パウロがエルサレムで捕縛されたことを書かれています。しかしこの時、パウロはすでに第二次伝道旅行(使徒15:36~18:22)を終えていました。エルサレムに入る前、パウロは預言を通して、エルサレムに行けばユダヤ人に捕縛されると警告されていました(使徒21:11)。エルサレム入城後、ヤコブと長老たちは パウロにそのことを警告しました。なぜななら、ユダヤ人たちの一部が、パウロが異邦人にモーセの律法を捨てるように教えているという噂を流していたからです。(使徒21:21)。
















 私たちの意志ではなく、あなたの意志に従えるように、従順であるように助けてください。父なる神さま、ありがとうございます。父なる神さま、私たちはあなたを愛しています。In Jesus’ Name we pray, amen.




In Acts 22, Paul is found detained in Jerusalem. But this time, Paul has already completed his second missionary Journey (Acts 15:36 – 18:22). Prior to entering Jerusalem, Paul was warned through prophecy that he would be bound by the Jews if he went to Jerusalem (Acts 21:11). After entering Jerusalem, James and the elder’s warned Paul regarding the volatile situation as some of the Jews were spreading rumors about him teaching Gentiles to forsake Moses (Acts 21:21). However, Paul confirms that he did no such thing. As agreed in the Jerusalem Council, Paul required Gentile believers to “abstain from what has been sacrificed to idols, and from blood, and from what has been strangled, and from sexual immorality”(Acts 15:29; 21:25). Although Paul was an apostle of the living Christ, we find that Paul was still a Jew that observed the Mosaic law (Acts 21:24). Therefore, as required by the law, Paul went to the temple to go through a seven-day purifying process. Before the seven days were over, Paul was arrested. Although Paul knew about his upcoming capture and imprisonment, he declared “Let the will of the Lord be done” (Acts 21:14).  

Acts 22 begins with the now detained Paul speaking in his defense to a crowd that has gathered. Paul testifies that he is a Jew by birth who received training from the most well-known Jewish scholar in that era, Gamaliel. Paul testifies how he once persecuted Christians and was headed to Damascus to do the same. However, before we made it to Damascus, he was blinded by a light and confronted by the risen Christ who said: “Saul, Saul, why are you persecuting me” (Acts 22:7)?  He continues his testimony explaining that, as directed by Jesus, he met another highly respected Jew, Ananias, in Damascus. It was on this occasion that Paul was called to be baptized and follow Jesus. Upon his return to Jerusalem, Paul fell into a trance and received his calling to be an apostle to the faraway Gentiles.

            Although Acts 22 continues, we will stop here and concentrate on a core biblical principle. When people persecute Christians, they are persecuting Christ Himself. Paul is seen ravaging the church in Acts 8:1-3. Paul was present at Stephen’s stoning (Acts 7:58). In Acts 22:4, Paul confirms that he persecuted Christians. However, on the road to Damascus, Jesus did not say: “why are you persecuting my people.” Jesus said: “Saul, Saul, why are you persecuting me” (Acts 22:7)? As fallen sinners, we Christians must realize that our transformation into Christ’s likeness will not be complete until we go to heaven. However, a way-to-common occurrence in practically all churches is internal conflicts. Christians have a well-refined talent for finding specks of dust in other Christian’s eyes (Matthew 7:5). While ignoring the log in our own eyes, many of us escalate these situations into crusades that persecute our brothers and sisters. Jesus teaches us here that when we do engage in these activities, we are ultimately persecuting Him. This requires all Christians to adopt a new way of viewing the world around them. We must not only read and study the Bible, we must live it. Paul teaches us in Ephesians 6:12 that our enemy is never humans. The enemy is the devil and his minions who are hard at work trying to divide Christ’s body, the church. We must never forget that although we are individuals, we are also part of one body in Christ (1 Corinthians 12:27). Furthermore, Christ’s body goes beyond any single congregation. Christ’s body includes all believers in all churches all around the world.

            Thank You, Father, for today’s Word. You and You alone are God and worthy of all of our praise. You are the ultimate reality! You are not only the God of the past but are alive and well today. You are just as real today as You were throughout history. Thank you for teaching us that any negative thoughts that we have against each other are a scheme of the devil. Thank you for showing us that escalating our thoughts into divisive actions are attacks against You. Father, please help us to maintain an awareness that we do not exist on our own but are all part of your body. Please remind us that none of us are the head of the body but You. Please help us be obedient so we can follow Your will, not ours. Thank You, Father. We love You, Father. In Jesus’ Name, we pray, amen.




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