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2022年11月10日 ディボーション

エゼキエル書 22章 Marc今村

Always Remember the Lord and His Ways
















 あなたが私たちに与えてくださった人生の中で、あなたの御心に従うことができるように助けてください。私たちを愛し、私たちの罪のために御子イエスを十字架につけて死なせてくださったことを感謝します。父なる神さま、ありがとうございます。私たちはあなたを愛しています、父なる神さま。In Jesus’ Name we pray, amen.


In Ezekiel 22, the prophet once again prophesizes against Jerusalem from his exile in Babylon. In verses 1 through 16, we find the population remaining in Jerusalem after its fall to be an abomination. They are lost in their idolatry (v3,4), committing murder (v3,4,6,9), extorting money from travelers and each other (v7,12), mistreating orphans and widows (v7), profaning everything that is holy including the sabbath (v8), and committed every sexual abomination imaginable (v9-11). Their most serious crime, however, they have forgotten the Lord (v12). The content of verses 17-22 is another prophecy against the population of Israel. Israel has lost her worth and will be melted. Verses 23-31 is a prophecy against Israel’s false prophets, priests, and leaders who make no distinction between holy and unholy.


Ezekiel 22 teaches us how life is when we forget about God. There is no doubt that the remnant population of Jerusalem experienced extreme duress when they were conquered by the Babylonians. However, instead of turning to God for help, they turned on each other. Instead of turning to God, they made idols for themselves. Instead of turning to God, they pleasured themselves by committing every sexual abomination imaginable. Of course, God found these people to be useless. We find in verses 23-31 that those false prophets and rulers contributed a lot to the unholiness of the population.


How can we apply this today? Although our times are very different, many of us are guilty of committing the sin of forgetting about God in our daily lives. Many of us have earthly goals instead of heavenly ones. Many of us base our decisions on earthly information instead of biblical ones. Many of us base our security on the physical walls of our houses, the roof over our heads, and the number in our bank accounts, instead of our Lord Jesus Christ. Just like the ancient Israelites, many of us do this as a result of following the false prophets and rulers of our day. As Christians, we must break free from the so-called wisdom of this world, and follow our Lord Jesus Christ who continues to lead us through His Spirit that lives inside all of us.


Thank You, Father, for your Word today. You are our God and we will never forget You. You are the only author of truth. We will follow You, and only You. Please help us to break free from the lies of the devil. Please help us to break free from our false beliefs and securities that have been taught to us by the false prophets and teachers of this age. Please let Your Holy Spirit continue to teach us Your ways as He continues to transform us more and more into Your Image. Please help us be obedient to Your will in the lives that You blessed us with. Thank You for loving us so much that you sent Your Son Jesus to die on the cross for all of our sins. Thank You, Father. We love You, Father. In Jesus’ Name we pray, amen.





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