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2022年11月3日 ディボーション

エゼキエル書15章 Marc今村

“A Branch without Love is Useless”












 このことは、深い自己反省を要求しています。私たちは常に自問自答する必要があります。私の周りの人々や神との関わりは、神の愛を拡げるものだろうか? それとも、分裂、争い、不信、傷つけ合うことを拡げるような生き方をしているだろうか?








 父なる神さま、私たちが実を結ぶ枝となることを許してくださって、ありがとうございます。これからも、私たちをあなたの実を結ぶ枝として用いてください。父なる神さま、ありがとうございます。父なる神さま、私たちはあなたを愛しています。In Jesus’ Name we pray, amen.


In Ezekiel 15, Ezekiel continues to prophesy against Jerusalem from his exile in Babylon. In verses 2 through 5, Ezekiel makes a statement about the people left in Jerusalem through the use of a parable. In the Bible, a vine is often used to represent Israel. The vinedresser represents God. Because grapevines were familiar to Israel, grapevine imagery is often used to illustrate important theological messages. Most people with some gardening experience would know that, typically, vinedressers care for their vines by pruning off branches that they determine to be unnecessary. Allowing all of the branches of the vine grow without attention would result in a very unhealthy wild vine. Sometimes, plants with too many branches have branches die on their own because too much of the branches that preceded it toward the trunk used up all of the necessary nutrients. Having too many branches would consume too much of the nutrients that would otherwise go to the fruits. Therefore, it is the vinedressers job to identify and prune off branches that He deems to be unproductive toward the overall health of the plant. What this parable is talking about are the branches that are cut off by pruning. There is no use for these branches. You cannot even make a peg to hang things on with these cut-off branches (v.3). Ezekiel states that the only thing that you can do with these useless branches is to burn them up (v.4). Furthermore, if one finds that some of these burnt branches have somewhat survived being completely burnt up, the only thing to do with them is to throw them back in the fire (v.5). In verses 6 through 8, we find out that indeed, God is the vinedresser. More importantly, however, the pruned off branches represent the defiant Jews that remained in Jerusalem after the Babylon exile.


            John 15 uses the very same imagery. In John 15, we read that Jesus is the true vine. The only way that we can bear fruit is if we remain in Him. Remaining in Jesus requires us to obey His commandments (John 15:5). As we know, Jesus commands us to Love God, one another, and our neighbors. Other than that, we must teach the world everything that Jesus taught us. If we do not love, we are not in Jesus. If we are not in Jesus, we too will be cut off by the vinedresser and thrown into the fire (John 15:6). This calls for deep self-reflection. We need to constantly ask ourselves: Do my interactions with everyone around me and God promote Godly love? Or am I conducting my life in a way that promotes division, quarrel, mistrust, and hurt? If it is the first, let us continue to rejoice with one another and continue to bear fruit in God’s vineyard. If it is the latter, we need to seriously consider whether we are in Jesus or not. Unlike the days of the Old Testament, we now have Jesus to call upon. If any of you feel that you are not yet in Jesus, He invites you now to be grafted into His vine. We cannot bear fruit on our own. However, in Jesus, with ourselves firmly grafted into His true vine, we can bear much fruit


Thank You, Father, for today’s Word. You are the creator of the universe and everything that is and ever was came from You. You are also the vinedresser and Jesus is the true vine. Thank you for showing us that we must continue to live a life actively loves You, our neighbors, and one another. If we are not actively loving anyone, we are not in You. If we are not in you and actively loving You, our neighbors, and one another, we are useless to You. If we are not actively loving You, our neighbors, and one another, the only value we would have is to provide fuel for a fire that burns other useless branches. Thank You, Father, for allowing us to be branches that bear fruit. Please continue to use us as your branches that bear Your fruit. Thank You, Father. We love You, Father. In Jesus’ Name we pray, amen.





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