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2022年1月20日 ディボーション


詩篇第五巻 141篇 

“God, Please Guard our Mouths and Sustain Us in Your Truth”















 この宇宙で唯一の真理は、神の真理です。この宇宙で唯一の正義は、神の正義です。時間の経過、視点の変化、人気投票によって、神の永遠の真理が変わることはありません。聖書は、何千年も前と同じように、今日も真理なのです。人間がこの地上に住まなくなった後も、聖書は真実であり続けるでしょう。イエスが宣言されたことを思い出しましょう。「天地は消え去ります。しかし、わたしのことばは決して消え去ることがありません」 (マタイの福音書 24:35, 聖書新改訳2017).


 天の父なる神さま、今日の御言葉をありがとうございます。私たちは、どんなにしないようにしても、つい噂話をしてしまうことを告白します。汚れた心で、人の噂話をしてしまうことを赦してください。父なる神さま、私たちの心をきれいにして、もっとあなたのようになれるようにしてください。父なる神さま、かつてダビデが求めたように、私たちも口をつぐむことができるように助けてください。また、あなたの御言葉の中に私たちを留めておくことができるように助けてください。世の中の真実や正義の偽りから私たちを守ってください。代わりに、あなたの真理と正義で私たちを満たしてください。もし私たちが信じていることが偽りであれば、主よ、私たちの頭を打ち、あなたの真理で私たちを塗り替えてください。唯一の真理を。そして、あなたが私たちに命じられたように、あなたが私たちに教えてくださったことをすべて世に伝える勇気を与えてください。父よ、ありがとうございます。父なる神さま、私たちはあなたを愛しています。In Jesus Name we pray, amen.

“God, Please Guard our Mouths and Sustain Us in Your Truth”

Psalm 144 attributes itself to David. Verses 1 and 2 call for Yahweh to hear the psalmist’s prayers. In verses 3 and 4, the psalmist asks Yahweh to prevent him from speaking any evil. He further asks Yahweh to keep his own heart from evil that can also result in evil deeds. Apparently, one may be inclined to do evil deeds with others when tempted by material gain. Verse 5 finds the psalmist asking God to have a righteous man rebuke him if he is ever found to be participating in these evil activities. Being slapped by a righteous man is like being anointed on the head with oil. The psalmist’s prayers are directed towards the deeds of the evildoers and not the evildoers themselves. When the leaders of the evildoers are no more, the evildoers will then be able to hear the psalmist’s words. The next words are confusing and breaks the flow of the Psalm as it is not clear who is actually talking. It is not clear who gets their bones scattered. The psalmist then focuses his attention to Yahweh by declaring to only seek refuge in Him. Because of this declaration, the psalmist petitions Yahweh to not stop protecting him. The psalmist asks Yahweh to protect him specifically from the evildoers traps that were laid for him. In the last verse, the psalmist makes one final request to Yahweh to have the evildoers fall in their own traps as he remains safe.


Because God’s Word is eternal, this psalm is very much relevant today. Although we were created in the image of God, the effects of the Fall corrupted all of creation and this includes all of us. Because of this, we all have a tendency to have in our hearts things that are not within God’s will. We call this sin. This psalm explains that the way we introduce this sin within our hearts out into the world is through our mouths. We do this all the time. One such example is gossip. Some of us spread information to others from others about yet another person. Many times, the information that we spread is not true, not confirmable, private, and harmful. When gossip occurs within the body of Christ, it is especially destructive because it causes division and hurt with Christ’s body. So why is it that although we know that God hates gossip, we continue to gossip? One answer was presented earlier: We were all born corrupted because of the Fall. However, the good news is that the Holy Spirit who lives in all of us is constantly working on us. The Holy Spirit, even as you are reading this blog, is constantly working you, restoring you more and more into the image of God. But remember, the Holy Spirit is not only working on you, He is also working on those brothers and sisters that you gossip about. We are all growing. Although the world teaches us to “never assume,” we CAN assume that the Holy Spirit is working on not only ourselves, but all of our brothers and sisters in Christ. Just like you, that person that you gossiped about yesterday in closer to the image of God today. Remember this the next time you feel the urge to spread gossip about someone. However, when self-control fails us, Psalm 141 shows us that we can pray to God for help to keep our mouths shut.


Another major theme in this psalm is regarding the world’s version of truth and justice. We need to ask ourselves: who determines what is right and what is wrong? The world says that each person can have their own truth. The world also teaches that one person’s terrorist is another person’t martyr. The world teaches things that are in direct contradiction to what God’s Word teaches. Many of us, even Christians, are at a crossroads. Do we conform to a definition of truth and justice that the world simply made up or do we submit to God’s Word? I believe we already know that answer. When God created the universe, he created everything from nothing. Although it may sound overly simple, truth is very narrow and two things cannot be correct at the same time. 1+1 is always 2. One person believing that 1+1=4 does not make 1+1 equal four. Although there are many opinions and perspectives, there can only be one truth. The only truth in this universe is God’s truth. The only justice in this universe is God’s justice. The passing of time, changes in perspective, or popular vote will never change God’s eternal truth. The Bible is just as true today as it was thousands of years ago. The Bible will still be true after man no longer inhabits this earth. Lets remember what Jesus declared: “Heaven and earth will pass away, but my words will not pass away” (Matthew 24:35, ESV).


Thank you, Heavenly Father, for your Word today. We confess, no matter how hard we try not to, we still gossip. Please forgive us for having unclean hearts and gossiping about others. Please, Father, cleans our hearts so we can be more like You. Please, Father, as David once asked you, help us also to keep our mouths shut. We also ask You for help to keep us in Your Word. Please protect us from the world’s false version of truth and justice. Instead, fill us with Your truth and Justice. If anything that we believe is false, please Lord strike us on our heads and anoint us with Your truth. The only truth. Give us the courage to also share with the world all that You taught us as this is what You commanded us to do. Thank You Father. We love you Father. In Jesus Name we pray, amen.





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