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2022年2月17日 ディボーション

箴言 3章

“Trust God and Only God”





 しかし、箴言3章のハイライトの一つは5節〜7節です。「心を尽くして主に拠り頼め。自分の悟りに頼るな。あなたの行く道すべてにおいて、主を知れ。主があなたの進む道をまっすぐにされる。自分を知恵のある者と考えるな。主を恐れ、悪から遠ざかれ」(箴言 3:5-7)。








 父なる神さま、今日の御言葉をありがとうございます。父なる神さま、今日もあなたの知恵を教えてくださってありがとうございます。真の知恵とは何か、それはあなたを、あなただけを心から信頼することだと教えてくださって、ありがとうございます。また、自分の理解力に頼らないように教えてくださりありがとうございます。真の知恵は、父なる神さまの書かれた御言葉に示されているように、あなたからだけ与えられるのです。ありがとうございます 父よ、私たちは父なる神さまを愛しています。In Jesus Name we pray, Amen.

“Trust God and Only God”

Proverb 3, like the rest of the collection of proverbs, is attributed to “Solomon, son of David, king of Israel” (Prov. 1:1). As most of us know, Solomon was well-known for his wisdom. When God appeared to Solomon in a dream and asked him what he wanted (1 Kings 3:5), Solomon gave a long reply that concluded with him asking: “Give your servant therefore an understanding mind to govern your people, that I many discern between good and evil, for who is able to govern this your great people” (1 Kings 3:9)? God granted Solomon “a wise and discerning mind, so that none like you has been before you and none like you shall arise after you” (1 Kings 3:12). The collection of proverbs allows us to hear a little taste of the great wisdom that God granted Solomon as he was believed to speak over 3,000 proverbs and 1,005 songs (1 Kings 4:32). 


The problem with any collection of proverbs is that most of the short sayings are not related to or connect to each other. Although connections between verses do exist, many verses can stand on their own. Of course, this is also the case for Proverb 3. However, one of the highlights of Proverb 3 are verses 5-7 which reads: “Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make straight your paths. Be not wise in your own eyes; fear the Lord, and turn away from evil” (Proverbs 3:5-7). What is most significant here is that the advice of wisest person who ever lived is to trust God and not ourselves. The wisest man who ever lived also advises those who listen to him to not be wise in their own eyes. The wisest man who ever lived advises to not rely on our own understanding of things but instead trust God with all our hearts.


As Christians, we often find ourselves doing things that go against common wisdom or even our own good judgement. We must live by the Spirit and trust God, not ourselves. Of course, this does not mean that we do whatever we believe that God is telling us to do. This practice, although many would disagree, is relying on one’s own wisdom, or even lack of it. Many of us have been in those situations where one person says: “God told me to do this.” And another person says: “Well, God told me to do this,” and it’s the exact opposite. Of course, God can still speak to us. However, as fallen humans, we sometimes get our imagination, wishful thinking, other people’s thoughts, and the whispers of the devil mixed up with God’s voice. So how do we know when it is truly God that is speaking to us? The only guaranteed way is to remain steadfast in His living Word. God already spoke to us, and He continues to speak to us through his already revealed Word. As we already know, God’s revealed Word is in the Bible. If we remain in God’s Word and continue to read the Bible daily, we will grow in His word and become transformed more into the image that God intended us to be; this is, of course, more into the image of Christ Himself. Maybe not our outward appearance, but our hearts and minds will become more into conformity with God. Eventually, as we remain in His Word, we will also gain God’s wisdom, knowledge, and understanding.


Thank you, Father, for today’s Word. Thank you for teaching us Your wisdom today, Father. Thank you for teaching us what true wisdom is; which is to trust You, and You alone with all of our heart. Thank you for also teaching us to not rely on our own understanding because, indeed, our own understanding is flawed. True wisdom comes only from You, as revealed in Your written Word Father. Thank you Father. We love you Father. In Jesus Name we pray, Amen.




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