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2022年2月3日 ディボーション


『Jesus Has Power Over Demons』





  この出来事は、マタイ8章28節から34節、マルコ5章1節から20節、ルカ8章26節から38節に記されています。そこにはいくつかの疑問があります。1) マルコとルカが記述しているように悪霊に取りつかれた人は一人だったのか、それともマタイが証言しているように二人だったのか。2) これはゲラサで起こったのか、それともガラサで起こったのか。











 父なる神さま、今日の御言葉をありがとうございます。過去の兄弟たちの証に感謝します。彼らの証言が、私たちが現在行っているこの霊的な戦いに勇気を与えてくれます。今日も敵に立ち向かうために、あなたの聖霊が導きと力を与えてくださいますように。私たちが敵と戦い続け、あなたの王国を築き上げるために、私たちと共にいてくださることを感謝します。私たちが今日、敵の嘘に立ち向かう時、主よ、私たちをあなたの霊で満たし、導いてくださるようお願いします。悪霊に取り憑かれた人のように、私たちの敵は人間ではなく、霊的な存在であることを覚えます。この霊的な敵と戦う私たちを、どうかこれからも導き、守ってください。父なる神さまの御心が天で行われるように、この地でも行われますように。父なる神よ、ありがとうございます。私たちはあなたを愛しています。In Jesus Name we pray, amen.

『Jesus Has Power Over Demons』

It is widely accepted that The Gospel of Mark was authored by one of Peter’s companions: Mark. Therefore, although Mark may have not been an eyewitness to some of the accounts in this gospel, Mark’s source, the Apostle Peter, was. Mark 5 gives the eyewitness accounts of 3 miracles done by Jesus. Because of space and time constraints, only one of these miracles will be discussed.


The first miracle in Mark 5 is of Jesus casting out demons from the possessed man in the country of Gerasenes and driving them into pigs. So how many demons did Jesus cast out at Gerasenes? The demon revealed in verse 9 that his name was “Legion” and that “. . . we are many” (Mark 5:9). During the times of Augustus, a legion consisted of 6,826 men. Although we cannot say that there were exactly 6,826 demons, we can confidently claim that there were more than just a few demons. In fact, the number of demons was more like a few thousand. One question that gets asked a lot is: “Why are there three slightly different accounts of Jesus casting out demons in the New Testament?” This event is described in Matthew 8:28-34, Mark 5:1-20, and Luke 8:26-38. The more difficult questions are: 1) “Were there one demon possessed man as Mark and Luke describes or were there two as Matthew witnesses.” 2) “Did this happen in Gerasenes or Gadarenes?” The first is easy: we go to the logical rule that: where there are “two men,” there is also “one.” The Gospels of Mark and Luke focused on one of these demon-possessed men. Matthew reveals that besides the demon possessed “man” described in the other gospels, there was also another demon-possessed man. As for the reason why the other two gospels did not mention the other man, we simply do not know. As for the question of Gerasenes or Gadarenes, all three Gospels has the words “. . . the country of” (Matthew 8:28, Mark 5:1, Luke 8:26) before each location. As we know, the demon-possessed men did not live inside these cities but in the tombs that are in the outskirts away from the town centers. They city of Gerasa is believed to have been around 30 miles from the sea. Gadara is believed to have been around 6 miles from the sea. The tombs were very close to the sea. Therefore, we can conclude that this single event happened at tombs that were located in the general vicinity of the towns Gerasa and Gadara. One final comment is that Luke most likely copied this account from Mark. Matthew, on the other hand, described his account of this event from his unique perspective. As we know, no two witness statements are ever identical unless there is collaboration. 


Of course, there is something more in these three accounts that is way more important than the number of demon-possessed men and location. That is, of course, what Jesus Himself did. All three accounts declares that Jesus, the Son of God, has the power to cast out demons. Furthermore, all three accounts reveal that the demons (fallen-angels) immediately recognized Jesus as the “Son of the Most High God” (Matthew 8:29, Mark 5:7, Luke 8:28). Although it may not have been intentional, these demons recognized Jesus and gives testimony for who He truly is: “Song of the Most High God.” More importantly, however, is that Jesus has the power to drive out demons. Although it is most likely unwise to randomly go demon hunting, Christians must also know that we too have the ability to cast out demons through the power of His Name and the Spirit of God who lives in all of us. Matthew 17:14-20 reveals that we need a lot of faith to do this but it is possible. We see in Luke 9:1 that Jesus gave his disciples the power and authority to cast out demons. Mark 9:38-40 further reveals the power that Jesus’ name has over demons. 


What can we learn from this? Demons are real. Not only are demons real but they have the ability to possess people and cause a lot of harm. Furthermore, the Bible DOES NOT say that demonic activity stopped. Demons are real and they are all around us today and continue to do Satan’s work. But, Jesus has power over the demons. Jesus, the Son of the God Most High is the All Powerful. If you are a Christian, you have the Spirit of God living in you. If you are a Christian, you have Christ’s authority to cast out demons. Through Jesus’ Name, you have the authority to cast out demons. We need to be aware of this spiritual battle that continues even today. Demons are strong. But we Christians have Jesus, the all-powerful on our side. Furthermore, the Bible already declares who the victor is: Jesus!


Thank you, Father, for our Word today. Thank you for the testimonies of our brothers in the past. Let their testimonies give us courage to fight this ongoing spiritual battle that we are in. Let your Spirit give us guidance and strength as we continue to engage the enemy today. Thank you for being with us as we continue to engage this enemy and build Your kingdom. We ask you Lord to also fill us with Your spirit and guide us as we engage the lies of the enemy today. Let us remember that just as the demon-possessed man, our enemy is not flesh and blood but spiritual forces. Please continue to guide and protect us as we fight this spiritual enemy. Please let Your will be done here on earth as it is in heaven, Father. Thank you Father. We love You. In Jesus Name we pray, amen.





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