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“Egypt’s Judgement”



 イザヤの預言によると、最終的にエジプトを陥落させるのは、何か外国の勢力ではなく、内戦です。エジプト人はエジプト人と戦い、隣人と隣人、都市と都市、王国と王国が戦うことになります(19:2)。この後、飢饉(5節)がその地に訪れ、経済崩壊(10節)が起こるのです。 興味深いことに、専門家と呼ばれる人々は、彼らの王に「愚かなはかりごと」を与えるのです(11節)。結局、エジプトは、彼らが主に立ち返るまで、廃墟と化すのです。




 政治の話はしたくないのですが、エジプト崩壊の一因が "愚かな人々 "の助言にあったことも興味深いことです。真理を信じるクリスチャンとして、私たちも、政府の指導者に助言を与える人々の言葉を聞くときは、大いに 識別力を働かせなければなりません。神の言葉だけが絶対的なものなのです。


 次の御言葉は、最も有名な宣言です。「わたしの名で呼ばれているわたしの民が、自らへりくだり、祈りをささげ、わたしの顔を慕い求めてその悪の道から立ち返るなら、わたしは親しく天から聞いて、彼らの罪を赦し、彼らの地を癒やす。」 (歴代誌 第二 7:14,聖書 新改訳2017)








 父なる神さま、ありがとうございます。父なる神さま、私たちはあなたを愛しています。In Jesus’ Name we pray, amen.



The Prophet Isaiah delivered many prophecies of both judgment and hope. Isaiah 19 talks start off with pure judgment on the kingdom of Egypt. According to Isaiah’s prophecy, what will ultimately lead to the fall of Egypt will not be some foreign force but one another. Egyptians will fight Egyptians, neighbor against neighbor, city against city, and kingdom against kingdom (Isaiah 19:2). After this, famine (v.5) will also come to the land, and there will be an economic collapse (v.10).  Interestingly, the so-called experts will also give their king a “stupid council” (v. 11). Eventually, Egypt will be in ruins until they turn to the Lord.


While reading Isaiah’s prophecy concerning Egypt’s judgment, we cannot help but think about the current events in the United States as well as the rest of the world. All one must do is turn on their television sets or read any online news platform to see that we now live in a very divided United States. It is ironic that we care called the “United” States because we now live in a time of great division. Furthermore, we are experiencing many climate catastrophes at this time too with droughts, wildfires, and unpredictable weather. Although we really do not want to talk about politics, it is also very interesting that a contributing factor to Egypt’s fall was its leaders taking the advice of “stupid people.” As truth-believing Christians, we too must use great discernment whenever we hear the words of people that give advice to our government leaders. Only God’s Word is infallible. Furthermore, just as Isaiah revealed about the Egyptians, the only thing that will restore our country is its people returning to God. God’s Word most famously declared: “… if my people who are called by my name humble themselves, and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and heal their land” (2 Chronicles 7:14 ESV).


Thank You, Father, for Your Word today. To You and You alone be all the glory. Thank You for showing us, through the example of Egypt, that we too must turn back to You. It is not man’s stupid wisdom that can heal our country but only You. You will heal our land only if we turn back to you. Please, Father, send Your Spirit to all of earth’s people and convict them of their sin. Convict them of their sin so they can repent and turn back to You. Convict us too, Father, we too can repent and turn from the sin that we still struggle with. Please, Father, give us the strength to turn from our wicked way so we can be the examples for the world to see. Let Your will be done here on earth as it is in heaven. Thank You, Father. We love You, Father. In Jesus’ Name we pray, amen.





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