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2022年5月26日 ディボーション

“Our Everlasting Rock”

















 あなたの御子であるイエスは、すでにすべてに勝利しています。私たちはこれからもあなたを信じ、あなただけに信頼を置いていきます。あなた、あなただけが私たちの永遠の岩です。お父さま、ありがとうございます。父なる神さま、私たちはあなたを愛しています。In Jesus’ Name we pray, amen.




Isaiah 26 is hard to understand without knowing the context in which it is written. Isaiah is confusing because he writes not only about events in his own lifetime, but also about events surrounding the fall of Jerusalem, exile of the Jews, and return of the remnant. Let us not forget that he also prophesied about Jesus’s coming and future events that may not occur until the Second Coming. Isaiah lived in a time when the land of Judah was under oppression from Assyria but still under Jewish rule. However, Isaiah 26 talks about future events that will occur about 200 years in the future. Although Isaiah writes in a time when Jerusalem is still intact, he gives an oracle of hope to the Jewish people revealing that although Jerusalem will fall, and that the people will be subjected to foreign rule, their descendants will return to their land. In that day, the humbled remnants (v. 5) will return to their land. The Jews are now humbled because their once lofty city is now in ruins (v.5). Furthermore, they have now experienced extreme oppression by being ruled over by other kings (v.15), namely the Babylonians and Persians. 


What makes Isaiah 26 significant and relevant to all generations, however, is that it reveals many important attributes of God and the response of His people. First of all, God protects us and salvation comes from Him (v.1). We subject ourselves to God through faith (v.2). We can trust God because he alone is our “everlasting rock” (v.4). As God’s people, we must subject ourselves to His Judgements, not our own (v.8). Furthermore, we must be patient and wait on Him, not try to do things on our own terms (v.8). We must yearn for and desire God with all of our soul, day and night (v.8-9). A significant point here, however, is that it is not man who will bring justice to an unjust world, but God (v. 10-16). Although the adversaries of God’s people are not aware of God, God’s justice will prevail (v.21). God’s people will triumph over death and once again sing for joy (v.19). As we know, that day already came when Jesus triumphed over death (Romans 1:4; Revelation 1:18).


As God’s people, we must have a proper understanding of who He is. Furthermore, as God’s people, we must have a proper knowledge of how to respond to Him. Isaiah 26 reveals that we need to trust and rely on God for our protection and that salvation comes from Him. Furthermore, we must trust not in our own understanding of things but trust God and His Word. We must not rely on all of those self-help books and other worldly wisdom. Although helpful, we must also not place our faith in all those popular Christian writers. The only infallible source of wisdom is the properly read, interpreted, and applied Word of God. Furthermore, true justice comes only from the creator of justice who is God. God is sovereign and He will make His justice prevail in His own time in His own way. Finally, Jesus conquered death. When we placed our faith in Jesus Christ, we became sons and daughters of the Creator of the Universe. True faith, we gained His protection, endless joy, and life forevermore. 


Thank You, Father, for today’s Word. You are our Everlasting Rock and the God of our Salvation. Father, thank you for loving us so much that you gave our only Son Jesus to save all of us. Even though we live in uncertain times, we know that we can still trust in You. People will fail, nations will fall, and evil will continue to give us trouble, but we know that these these things are just temporary. Your son Jesus has already triumphed over everything. We will continue to place our faith in You and trust in You only. You, and You alone are our Everlasting Rock. Thank You, Father. We love You, Father. In Jesus’ Name we pray, amen.




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