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2022年7月14 日   ディボーション


“God Restores Sight”











 35節以降には、イエスは再びこの人を見つけ、「あなたは人の子を信じますか。」と尋ねます(ヨハネ9:35)。男は答えました。「主よ、私が信じることができるように教えてください。その人はどなたですか。」(ヨハネ9:36, 新改訳2017)。

 イエスは答えられました。「あなたはその人を見ています。あなたと話しているのが、その人です。」(ヨハネの福音書 9:37)。 










 父なる神さま、すべての信者が私たちと同じプロセスを通っていることを理解する共感を与えてください。私たちは皆、回復と癒しが必要な領域を持っていることを告白します。主よ、あなたが私たちを愛してくださるように、私たちも他の人を愛し続けることができるように助けてください。父なる神さま、ありがとうございます。父なる神さま、私たちはあなたを愛しています。In Jesus’ Name we pray, amen!



In John 9, the disciple whom Jesus loved describes the account of Jesus’ healing of a man who was blind from birth. This chapter gives a testimony of many miracles that gives glory to God our Father. Jesus, God incarnate, has the ability to give sight to a man who was blind from birth. We learn that this man’s blindness is not the result of his sin (before birth), nor his parents’ sin. Although most translations state the reason for this man’s blindness was to display the works of God, we know that sickness and death are all a result of the Fall. This can be confusing because it sounds as though God made a blind man in order to show his glory. One New Testament expert explains it this way: “God had not made the man blind in order to show his glory; rather, God has sent Jesus to do works of healing in order to show his glory.” This explanation makes more sense. For this reason, none of us should ever have a favorite “translation” of the Bible. The truth in the matter is that most of you who are reading this blog, like myself, only read translations of the Bible. The only “true” Bible is the original collection of writings that the Old Testament Prophets and New Testament writers wrote in their original Hebrew, Greek, and Aramaic languages. For this reason, we need to study multiple translations in order to get the best understanding of the Bible, especially the hard-to-understand passages.


Getting back to the subject of the blind man, we see early on that the people who knew him were not easily convinced that this was indeed the formerly blind man that they knew. The Pharisees could not believe what had happened and instead being amazed by the miracle from God, they accused of Jesus of breaking the Sabbath. The Pharisees finally cornered the formerly blind man and forced him to decide whether he was a disciple of Moses, like all Jews, or a disciple of Jesus whom they (Pharisees) considered to be a sinner. Amazingly, this man’s blindness was not only healed physically, but spiritually also. The man answered the Pharisees: “Why, this is an amazing thing! You do not know where he comes from, and yet he opened my eyes. We know that God does not listen to sinners, but if anyone is a worshiper of God and does his will, God listens to him. Never since the world began has it been heard that anyone opened the eyes of a man born blind. If this man were not from God, he could do nothing” (John 9: 30-33). Jesus finds this man again after verse 35 and asks him, “Do you believe in the Son of Man” (John 9:35). The man answered, “And who is he, sir, that I may believe in him” (John 9: 36)? Jesus answered: “You have seen him, and it is he who is speaking to you” (John 9: 37). The man then said, “Lord, I believe,” (John 9: 38) and he worshipped Jesus. This formerly blind man could now clearly see that Jesus was Lord and worthy of worship.


Many of us first came to Christ as broken people. After receiving Christ, we were restored and healed. As time passes, many of us forget about our broken past. When we see broken people come to church, we sometimes harbor unkind thoughts toward that person and forget that we were once like them. What makes things even worse is that we sometimes continue to maintain the broken, former image of that person and be too blind to see God’s healing in them. We were all broken people and God healed us. Because we still live in the flesh, however, we will not see this process complete until we see Jesus face to face in heaven. This does not discount the fact, however, that each and every moment, we are gradually being transformed more and more into the image of He who created us. Just as you are not the same person today as you were yesterday, all of your saved friends are also not the same person today as they were yesterday. 


Thank You, Father, for today’s Word. You are the great Creator and Healer. You, and You alone are God. Thank you for healing us. Thank you for salvation. Thank you for restoring us more and more back into the image of You. And thank you for healing our spiritual blindness too. Father, please help us to see others not like Pharisees see them, but how You truly see them. We are all sinners saved by Your grace. Although we were all restored, we know that our process of sanctification will take our entire lifetimes. Father, please give us the empathy to understand that all believers are going through the same process as us. We confess that we all have areas that are in need of restoration and healing. Lord, help us to continue to love others just as you love us. Thank You, Father. We love You, Father. In Jesus’ Name we pray, amen.




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