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2022年8月11日 ディボーション


“Let God be Known”











 父なる神さま、今日の御言葉を感謝します。 父なる神さま、あなたは私たちの力、私たちの砦、私たちの逃れ場です。




 父なる神さま、ありがとうございます。父なる神さま、私たちはあなたを愛しています。In Jesus’ Name we pray, amen.

Jeremiah prophesied in the final years leading up to Israel’s exile to Babylon. The time for Israel’s exile was coming close. God instructed Jeremiah to neither marry of have children (v.2). Because of the imminent fall of Jerusalem, children who were born from that point forward would die of diseases, famine, or be slain by the sword. Bodies would lie everywhere as dung and there would be nobody left to give them a proper burial nor morn for them (v.3-4). Instead, the bodies of the dead will become food for the birds and beasts of the earth (v.5). God declares that these judgements are all a result of Israel turning away from God, refusal to acknowledge their sin, and refusal to repent (v.11). Specifically, Israel turned away from god by polluting the land with “the carcasses of their detestable idols” and “abominations” (v.18). God has taken away His Shalom [peace], and Hessed [love, kindness, goodness, mercy] from His people (v.5). However, God also revealed to Jeremiah that His people are taken away to exile in Babylon, he will bring them back to Jerusalem in the same dramatic fashion that he brought His people out of Egypt (v.15). Jeremiah concludes with a prayer declaring that Yahweh is his strength, stronghold, and refuge (v.19). He then confesses the sins of his ancestors who have passed on lies and worthless things to their future generations by making gods for themselves. God reveals his purpose for all of this in the final verse, which is, to make Himself be known” (v.21).

It is not God’s desire to make His people suffer. However, because God is Holy by His very nature, sin cannot co-exist with God. Israel brought judgement upon itself by turning away from the One true God. In the place of God, Israel chose to believe in lies and other worthless things. Through His many prophets, God continued to show mercy by reaching out to His people with a constant theme: “Turn away from your sin and come back to Me.” Generation after generation, what God’s people chose to do instead was to believe in lies and ignore God. In arrogance and outright defiance, God’s people’s response to God was: “What is our iniquity? What is the sin that we have committed against the Lord of God” (v10).

Today, many of God’s people, I would argue all, continue to sin, believe in lies, and make their own gods. We go on living our earthly lives thinking that tomorrow will always come. Many of us raise our children with the primary goal of getting a good high-paying job. Some of us place our faith in the numbers of our bank account over the words in the Bible. In this election season, some of us place our faith in the fancy words of our politicians. Many of us simply turn to our own flawed understanding of things and rationalize that we are not sinning. Like the Israelites, we think to ourselves: “What is our iniquity? What is the sin that we have committed against the Lord of God” (v10). Instead of suffering the judgement that we deserve, however, Jesus came to earth and took on the judgement meant for us. Jesus was condemned on the cross for the sin that we did and continue to do. This is why we cannot live our lives without Jesus. Without Him, we are fallen sinners. In Jesus, we are made clean and are able to have a relation with God like He desires. In Jesus, we have God’s Shalom and Hessed. Through Jesus, God is made known.

Thank You, Father, for today’s Word. Father, You are our strength, our stronghold, and our refuge. You, and You alone, are holy. We confess our sins to You. We also repent of our sins. But Father, we know that we cannot do this alone. Father, let our Holy Spirit rule it us. Father, let Your Spirit in us give us a Spirit of obedience so we can do you will here on earth. Father, help us to only love you, our neighbors, and our fellow brothers and sisters in Christ. Father, please let Your will be done in our lives so more and more people may come to know You. Thank You, Father. We love You, Father. In Jesus’ Name we pray, amen.




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