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2022年8月4日 ディボーション


Repent and Turn Away From Sin”






 私たち現代人の多くは、エレミヤの時代のイスラエル人と同じような状況にあり、そのことに気づいていません。自らを「クリスチャン」と呼ぶ多くの人々は、自分の兄弟に対して罪を犯し続けています。私たちの多くは、自分にはまだ時間があり、"作成中の作品 "であるから罪を犯し続けることができると感じています。私たちの多くは、イエスがすでに私たちを赦してくださったので、罪を犯し続けることができると信じています。私たちの多くは、神の赦しだけに焦点を当て、救いを受けた後の私たちの反応がどうあるべきかを無視します。









 父なる神さま、ありがとうございます。父なる神さま、私たちはあなたを愛しています。In Jesus’ Name, we pray, amen.

We recently read the book of Isaiah, where God warned His people of His coming judgment. From Isaiah’s days, although there were still periods of peace, Jerusalem was still under almost constant attack from the Assyrians and Babylonians. About 100 years later, God was still reaching out to His people through His prophet Jeremiah. Jeremiah 9:1-6 reveals God’s extreme sorrow as the result of Israel’s ongoing sin. Interestingly, although the Israelites were under almost constant attack from outside forces, they continued to sin against each other. Although the Israelites were under almost constant attack from outside forces, Israelites continue to deceive other Israelites (v.8). Although the Israelites were considered God’s special people who received God’s law, they continued to pursue other gods and ignore the one true God and His truths. God was very patient with His people. God patiently waited for His people to come to their senses for hundreds of years. Through His prophets, God warned His people to turn away from their sin. God constantly warned His people of imminent judgment for hundreds of years, but the people continued to sin. The later parts of Jeremiah 9 reveal some of the most graphic images of judgment yet: “The dead bodies of men shall fall like dung upon the open field, like sheaves after the reaper, and none shall gather them” (v.22). God warned His people that Jerusalem will be laid to waste with no inhabitants. Jeremiah 1:1-3 reveals that Jeremiah continued to prophesy God’s word until Jerusalem finally fell and was taken into captivity. Nobody listened to God’s warning. Because God is a God “… who practices steadfast love, justice, and righteousness in the earth” (v. 24), He was very patient with His people and gave they many warnings for hundreds of years.

Many of us today are in the same situation as the Israelites of Jeremiah’s day and do not realize it. Many people who call themselves “Christians” continue to sin against their own brother. Many of us feel that we can continue to sin because we still have time and are “works in progress.” Many of us believe that we can continue to sin because Jesus has already forgiven us. Many of us choose to focus only on God’s forgiveness but ignore what our response after receiving salvation should be. Many of us ignore the fact that Jesus will come again. One day, Jesus will come without warning. Jesus will come like a thief when nobody expects (Matthew 24:43, Thessalonians 5:2-4, Revelation16:5). Unlike Jesus’s first visit to earth, however, He will bring judgment on His Second Coming. Jesus will come on a white horse with eyes like fire and a robe dipped in blood with all of heaven’s armies to bring judgment (Revelation 19:11-21). Like the Israelites, we too have been warned. Judgment is coming. Now is the time to turn away from our sin and idols. Now is the time to call on Jesus and worship Him, and Him alone.

Thank You, Father, for today’s Word. Thank You for showing us through Your Word that truth comes from You, and You alone. Thank You for revealing to us Your ways of “steadfast love, justice, and righteousness in the earth” (v.24). Thank You for showing us what happens when You do bring judgment on the earth. Thank You Father for being patient with us as You give us time to turn from our sins. And thank You, Father, for sending Your Son Jesus to die on the Cross for us and pay the price of our sins. But Father, we know that it was never Your intention to have us continue in our old ways after receiving salvation. We must turn from our sins. But Father, we cannot do this alone. Like the Israelites before us, we continue to sin and fail to completely turn from our evil ways. Father, please help us turn from our evil ways. Father, please help us to believe only in You. Father, please help us to trust only You. Father, please help us to rely only on You. Father, let Your Spirit give us the strength to do what we cannot do alone. Father, let Your will be done in our lives. Thank You, Father. We love You, Father. In Jesus’ Name, we pray, amen.




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