“God Has The Final Say”
「わたしは、あなたを祝福する者を祝福し、あなたを呪う者をのろう。地のすべての部族は、あなたによって祝福される」(創世記12:3, 新改訳2017)とアブラムに宣言されたことを思い起こすことができるでしょう。神はモーセに約束を再確認されました。「あなたの神、主はあなたの敵に、あなたを迫害した、あなたを憎む者たちに、これらすべてののろいを下される。あなたは再び主の御声に聞き従い、私が今日あなたに命じる主のすべての命令を行うようになる」(申命記30:7-8, 新改訳2017)
神の怒りは決して永遠には続きません。神の民に対する裁きも、神の民がへりくだり、神のもとに帰るという目的を果たした後、終わりを迎える。 贖いは、常に神の計画の一部であり、裁きの後には必ず贖いが待っているのです。
父なる神さま、私たちがこの祝福の一部となることを許してくださって、ありがとうございます。父なる神さま、ありがとうございます。私たちはあなたを愛しています、父なる神さま。In Jesus’ Name we pray, amen.
Jeremiah 51 contains a collection of Jeremiah’s prophesies against Babylon. Beginning from Jeremiah 46, which was against Egypt, Jeremiah delivered many prophecies against the nations surrounding Israel. One important fact to be mentioned is that at the time of this prophecy, Babylon was still at the top of the world. Nebuchadnezzar, its king, was likely the most powerful person in the world. Jeremiah 51, however, delivers many graphic accounts of Babylon and its people lying in ruins as the result of God’s judgment for its crimes against God’s people. What laid in ruins at this time was not Babylon, but Jerusalem, with its temple turned to rubble. God, however, showed us is sovereignty by displaying the truth of His Word. In verse 64, the oracle stated that, just as a scroll tied to a stone and caste into the Euphrates river sinks to the bottom, Babylon shall sink and rise no more. Today, around 2,500 years after Jeremiah’s prophecy, just as God declared through His Word, Babylon in nothing but a wasteland about 50 miles South of Baghdad in Iraq. During the construction of Baghdad, Babylon’s ruins were believed to have been used as a source of bricks. Though Babylon is not a wasteland, Israel is once again a nation.
Although filled with horror and destruction, Jeremiah 51 was a prophecy of encouragement for the Jews who were taken into exile in Babylon. Although God appeared to have abandoned His people by their exile into Babylon and allowing the destruction of Jerusalem and His temple, God never for forgot His promise to His people and His overall plan of redemption. We can recall what God first declared to Abram: “I will bless those who bless you, and him who dishonors you I will curse, and in you all the families of the earth shall be blessed”(Genesis 12:3 ESV). God reconfirmed His promise to Moses: “And the Lord your God will put all these curses on your foes and enemies who persecuted you. And you shall again obey the voice of the Lord and keep all his commandments that I command you today.”
(Deuteronomy 30:7-8 ESV). God’s anger never lasts forever. Judgement against his people too will come to an end after it serves its purpose; having God’s people humble themselves and return to Him. Redemption has always been part of God’s plan as redemption always followed judgement. After their judgement of exile into Babylon, God’s people experienced a great revival and turned back to Him, at least for a time. As we read in Jeremiah 51, Babylon will, and eventually did, suffer its own demise by the harm that it did to God’s people. But this too is only another step in God’s redemptive story which climaxes centuries later through one of the human descendants of their remnant, our Lord Jesus Christ.
Thank You, Father, for todays Word. You are the Creator and the only One Who is sovereign over all nations. Nations rise and fall, but You alone are the Alpha and Omega. As we read Jeremiah 51, we saw how Your plan for Your people was never to harm them, but to redeem them. As we look back into history, we see how you kept Your promises. When Jesus died for all of us on the Cross, we can see how all the nations of the earth was blessed through Abraham’s descendent. Thank you, Father, for allowing us to be part of this blessing. Thank You, Father. We love You, Father. In Jesus’ Name we pray, amen.